Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teen Style : Safira Salma

Heyaa Guys ! How's your day? OMG ! on May,10th maybe i can't post anything :( i will post on June,yep,June ! wait me and keep waiting :D LOL

Now,i wanna post somepict from my bestfriends ! Safira ! Or we(her friends) always call her "Fira".She's a cute person with white glasses.Upps,today is her birthday ! OMG! Well,say HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Fira!! ;D hahaha .. Keep be a princess,no matter what happen..

I love her style,seriously!I'm not lie,Fira! :) So, i save her pict from her facebook "Fira Lucious". This is it .. she's so cute and i really really love her necklace LOL ;D

cute isn't? I LOVE HER NECKLACE !

Whit glasses :D
well,what do ya' think? Sweet isn't? Yep,she's my friends ! Fira,once again,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Braid Hair For Bad Hair Day

Hi! How’s your today? Yep, today is Monday. and I just got home from school. You should know I went to school in 1 Kota Baru Junior High School. Well, forget it. This time I'll post about hair braids. You know? Sometimes when we have a Bad Hair Day, some people choose to braid. Now being widely admired for the braid Katniss. Katniss is one of the characters in The Hunger Games’s Film. If i want to braid my hair I need help from my mother.i can’t do that with myself .. How about you?

Some of these hair braid styles, including style of Katniss you can imitate. for just at home or for hang out with your friends. It’s cool,Right?! Well,This is the picture of braid hair styles.ENJOY!
 [P.S : I'm a newbie,sorry for some mistakes]

She's katniss,20 minutes for braid Her Hair Guys!!! O.o

Simple.. i always-sometimes- braid my hair like that !

i can't do like that :3

Katniss's Braid Hair !!! Cute Isn't?

Close up for Katniss Braid Hair style <333
Well, you wanna try one of all? Katniss style maybe? LOL
All Picture from : Tumblr and Google <3
@TiaLiszawati04 on twitter !